Friday, 13 March 2009

Dancing With The Demons

Dancing With The Demons: "There’s something else about junkiedom: the lure of the inevitable decline. Because all junkies follow a certain trajectory. Sooner or later, it happens to them all. They even have their own expressions for it. “I’m a scum-bag junkie.” “I’m a rob-yer-grannie junkie.” In the end the call of chemical absolution is too strong and the bonds of mere loyalty too weak."

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Borderlands: In The Footsteps of a Radical Birdwatcher In Dobruja, Romania

Borderlands: In The Footsteps of a Radical Birdwatcher In Dobruja, Romania: "Dobruja is a distinct region of Romania between the Danube and the Black Sea. CJ Stone goes in search of birds and memories while contemplating the mysteries of communism."